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sfdp: Render a `gif` image using `stdin` and `stdout`.
$ echo "${digraph {this -> that} }" | sfdp -T ${gif} > ${path-to-image-gif}
try on your machine

This command performs the following steps:

  1. echo "${digraph {this -> that} }": This part of the command uses the echo command to print the given string digraph {this -> that}. The ${} syntax is used to denote variables, so it suggests that digraph {this -> that} could be a variable containing a specific value.

  2. | sfdp -T ${gif}: The | symbol known as a pipe redirects the output of the echo command to the sfdp command. sfdp is a command from the Graphviz suite used for generating graph visualizations. The -T option specifies the output format; in this case, ${gif} suggests that the variable gif holds the desired format, which could be gif.

  3. > ${path-to-image-gif}: The > symbol denotes output redirection and saves the output of the previous command to a file. ${path-to-image-gif} denotes the file path and file name where the generated image will be stored.

Overall, this command aims to take a specific digraph, visualize it using the Graphviz sfdp command, and then save the resulting visualization in GIF format at a specified path and file name.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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