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sfill: Overwrite free space and inodes of a disk with 6 writes (fast but less secure) and show status.
$ sfill -l -v ${-path-to-mounted_disk_directory}
try on your machine

The command "sfill -l -v ${-path-to-mounted_disk_directory}" is used to securely fill the free space of a mounted disk directory. Here's a breakdown of the components:

  • "sfill": This is the command to securely fill the disk space.
  • "-l": This flag stands for "zero free space inodes" and makes sure that not only the data blocks but also the inodes are overwritten with zeros. Inodes are data structures that store information about files on a Unix-like file system.
  • "-v": This flag stands for "verbose" and provides more detailed output during the filling process. It keeps you informed about the progress of the command.
  • "${-path-to-mounted_disk_directory}": This is a placeholder for the actual path to the mounted disk directory. You need to replace it with the correct path on your system. For example, it could be "/mnt/disk" or "/media/external". The dollar sign and curly braces ("${}") are used to indicate a variable in a shell command.

By running this command, you ensure that the free space of the specified mounted disk directory is overwritten with zeros, making it much harder to recover any previously stored data.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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