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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool sfill. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


The "sfill" command line tool is a utility used in Linux and Unix-like operating systems. It is designed to securely overwrite free space on a file system.

When a file is deleted or removed, the space it previously occupied is not immediately wiped, making it potentially recoverable. sfill helps to address this issue by securely overwriting the free space with random data, making any remnants of deleted files virtually impossible to retrieve.

It uses the same method as the "shred" utility, but instead of targeting specific files, sfill focuses on the free space. By doing so, it ensures that not only the file contents are overwritten but also any metadata or file system structures related to the deleted file.

sfill offers different algorithms and options to customize the process of overwriting free space. Users can choose from distinct patterns for overwriting, specify the number of passes to perform, and set whether to sync the file system after each pass.

The tool is primarily used in situations where secure data deletion is required, such as when disposing of storage devices or when sensitive information needs to be permanently erased.

sfill is a powerful tool that contributes to maintaining data privacy and security by securely wiping free space on file systems.

List of commands for sfill:

  • sfill:tldr:2dba9 sfill: Overwrite free space and inodes of a disk with 6 writes (fast but less secure) and show status.
    $ sfill -l -v ${-path-to-mounted_disk_directory}
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  • sfill:tldr:5334a sfill: Overwrite free space and inodes of a disk with 1 write (very fast but insecure) and show status.
    $ sfill -ll -v ${-path-to-mounted_disk_directory}
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • sfill:tldr:74c0e sfill: Overwrite only free space of a disk.
    $ sfill -I ${-path-to-mounted_disk_directory}
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  • sfill:tldr:9a0c1 sfill: Overwrite free space and inodes of a disk with 38 writes (slow but secure).
    $ sfill ${-path-to-mounted_disk_directory}
    try on your machine
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  • sfill:tldr:ede97 sfill: Overwrite only free inodes of a disk.
    $ sfill -i ${-path-to-mounted_disk_directory}
    try on your machine
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tool overview