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sgpt: Start a `REPL` (Read–eval–print loop) session.
$ sgpt --repl ${command}
try on your machine

The command "sgpt --repl ${command}" is using the "sgpt" command with the "--repl" option and a placeholder for a specific command.

Here's the breakdown of the components:

  1. "sgpt": It is assumed to be a command or a script that is being executed.
  2. "--repl": It is an option or flag provided to the "sgpt" command, which stands for "read-evaluate-print loop." This option typically indicates that the command should enter into an interactive mode where it reads input, evaluates it, prints output, and repeats the process until a termination signal is received. In this case, it instructs the "sgpt" command to enter the REPL mode.
  3. "${command}": It is a placeholder that represents a specific command that should be passed to the "sgpt" command. The actual command should be provided in place of "${command}" when executing this overall command.

Replacing the "${command}" placeholder with an actual command can be an example like this: sgpt --repl "print('Hello, World!')"

Executing this command would run the "sgpt" command in REPL mode and evaluate the provided command "print('Hello, World!')", resulting in the output "Hello, World!" being printed. The REPL mode allows for interactive testing and running of commands without having to execute the entire script or provide a script file.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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