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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool sgpt. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


SGPT, also known as "SmartGit Pull Tool," is a command line utility that enhances the Git workflow by automating the process of pulling changes from multiple repositories.

  1. SGPT simplifies the task of updating multiple repositories by allowing users to provide a YAML configuration file with a list of Git repositories.
  2. It automatically fetches updates from each repository and merges them into the local branches.
  3. The tool provides extensive customization options through the configuration file, allowing users to specify branch names, remotes, credentials, and more.
  4. SGPT supports various authentication methods, including SSH keys, HTTPS credentials, and personal access tokens.
  5. It also includes support for proxies and can handle repositories across different Git hosting platforms like GitLab, GitHub, and Bitbucket.
  6. Users can easily manage multiple configurations within the same tool by creating separate configuration files for different sets of repositories or projects.
  7. SGPT logs the operation details, including the status of each update, making it easy to review the process and identify any errors or conflicts that occurred.
  8. It supports both interactive mode, where users can choose which repositories to update, and non-interactive mode for scripted or automated workflows.
  9. The tool is written in Python and can be installed via pip, making it compatible with different operating systems, including Windows, macOS, and Linux.
  10. SGPT aims to save time and effort for developers who work on multiple repositories, streamlining the process of staying up to date with the latest changes in their projects.

List of commands for sgpt:

  • sgpt:tldr:029e4 sgpt: Use it as a search engine, asking for the mass of the sun.
    $ sgpt "${mass of the sun}"
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • sgpt:tldr:2a6fd sgpt: Start a `REPL` (Read–eval–print loop) session.
    $ sgpt --repl ${command}
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • sgpt:tldr:ad43b sgpt: Display help.
    $ sgpt --help
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • sgpt:tldr:dca86 sgpt: Execute Shell commands, and apply `chmod 444` to all files in the current directory.
    $ sgpt --shell "${make all files in current directory read only}"
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  • sgpt:tldr:eaa9b sgpt: Start a chat session with a unique session name.
    $ sgpt --chat ${session_name} "${please remember my favorite number: 4}"
    try on your machine
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  • sgpt:tldr:f7a5a sgpt: Generate code, solving classic fizz buzz problem.
    $ sgpt --code "${solve fizz buzz problem using Python}"
    try on your machine
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tool overview