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sha224sum: Read a file of SHA224 sums and filenames and verify all files have matching checksums.
$ sha224sum --check ${filename-sha224}
try on your machine

This command is a Linux command that checks the integrity of a file using SHA-224 cryptographic hash algorithm. Here is an explanation of each part:

  • sha224sum: This is the command utility used to calculate the SHA-224 hash value of a file or set of files.
  • --check: This option tells sha224sum to check the hash values of the files provided.
  • ${filename-sha224}: This is a variable reference (in Bash syntax) that represents the file containing the SHA-224 hash value. It should be replaced with the actual filename. The file is expected to contain a list of SHA-224 hash values along with the corresponding filenames.

To check the integrity of a file, you would typically have a separate file that contains the expected SHA-224 hashes for multiple files. Each line in this file usually consists of a hash value followed by the corresponding filename. The ${filename-sha224} variable is used to specify this file containing the expected hash values.

When the command is executed, it reads the provided SHA-224 hash values file and verifies if the calculated hash matches the expected hash for each file. It will then output a message indicating whether the hashes match or not for each file.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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