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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool sha224sum. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


sha224sum is a command line tool used to calculate the SHA-224 hash value of a file in Linux and Unix-like systems. It is a part of the GNU Core Utilities package.

  1. It is primarily used to securely verify the integrity of files by comparing their hash values.
  2. The SHA-224 algorithm is a cryptographic hash function that produces a 224-bit (28-byte) hash value.
  3. The hash value is generated by operating on the input file's content using the SHA-224 algorithm.
  4. The tool outputs the calculated SHA-224 hash value as a hexadecimal string.
  5. It can handle multiple input files, generating hash values for each of them.
  6. It provides a useful and efficient means of verifying that files have not been tampered with or corrupted.
  7. The SHA-224 algorithm is considered to be a secure and widely used hash function.
  8. The generated hash values are unique and practically impossible to reverse engineer back to their original content.
  9. The command line tool is simple to use, requiring only the file path as an argument.
  10. It is commonly utilized in security, data integrity, and forensic applications to ensure file authenticity and detect any modifications.

List of commands for sha224sum:

  • sha224sum:tldr:0e44c sha224sum: Read a file of SHA224 sums and filenames and verify all files have matching checksums.
    $ sha224sum --check ${filename-sha224}
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  • sha224sum:tldr:714ec sha224sum: Only show a message when verification fails, ignoring missing files.
    $ sha224sum --ignore-missing --check --quiet ${filename-sha224}
    try on your machine
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  • sha224sum:tldr:81bc4 sha224sum: Calculate and save the list of SHA224 checksums to a file.
    $ sha224sum ${filename1 filename2 ---} > ${filename-sha224}
    try on your machine
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  • sha224sum:tldr:a36bf sha224sum: Only show a message for missing files or when verification fails.
    $ sha224sum --check --quiet ${filename-sha224}
    try on your machine
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  • sha224sum:tldr:af8d4 sha224sum: Calculate the SHA224 checksum for one or more files.
    $ sha224sum ${filename1 filename2 ---}
    try on your machine
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