This command is a for loop that iterates over each element in the array named "array_name" and executes the specified command for each element.
Here's a breakdown of how this command works:
"for i in $${{array_name}[@]}" - This line initializes a loop by declaring a variable "i" that takes the value of each element in the "array_name" array. The double dollar sign ($$) is used to expand the array variable.
"do ${command}" - This line specifies the command that will be executed for each element of the array. The "${command}" is a placeholder for the actual command that you would provide.
"done" - This line marks the end of the loop block.
So, when you run this command, it will iterate over each element in the "array_name" array and execute the specified command, substituting the value of the current iteration element into the variable "i".