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sherlock: Display help.
$ sherlock --help
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The command "sherlock --help" is used to display help information about the "sherlock" tool.

"Sherlock" is an open-source tool used to search for usernames across various social media platforms. It helps you find if a particular username is registered on multiple platforms or if it is available for registration. By running "sherlock --help," you can access a concise explanation of the available command-line options and their functionalities.

The help information typically includes details about the usage of the tool, available options such as specifying a particular username or selecting platforms to search, and additional features and extensions that can be utilized. Reading the help documentation can provide you with a clear understanding of how to operate the "sherlock" tool effectively.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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