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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool sherlock. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Sherlock is a command line tool designed to find social media accounts across various platforms. It is specifically created to gather and provide information about a username, helping to identify potential online presence across the internet. The tool uses web scraping techniques to search through multiple websites, including popular social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn. It can be particularly useful for individuals to monitor their own online presence or for investigators conducting online research. Sherlock displays the results in a simple and organized manner, providing links to the found profiles and other available information. It also offers options to search for similar usernames or to gather all available details about a specific social media account. Sherlock is an open-source tool written in Python, making its code accessible for developers and allowing them to contribute to its ongoing improvement.

List of commands for sherlock:

  • sherlock:tldr:0abec sherlock: Search for a specific username on social networks using a proxy.
    $ sherlock ${username} --proxy ${proxy_url}
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  • sherlock:tldr:15562 sherlock: Search for specific usernames on social networks saving the results into a directory.
    $ sherlock ${username1 username2 ---} --folderoutput ${path-to-directory}
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  • sherlock:tldr:87e5f sherlock: Search for a specific username on social networks using the Tor network.
    $ sherlock --tor ${username}
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  • sherlock:tldr:bdcdd sherlock: Make requests over Tor with a new Tor circuit after each request.
    $ sherlock --unique-tor ${username}
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  • sherlock:tldr:e1662 sherlock: Search for a specific username on social networks saving the results to a file.
    $ sherlock ${username} --output ${filename}
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  • sherlock:tldr:f8cc7 sherlock: Display help.
    $ sherlock --help
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  • sherlock:tldr:fba43 sherlock: Search for a specific username on social networks and open results in the default web browser.
    $ sherlock ${username} --browse
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tool overview