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shiori: List the saved bookmarks.
$ shiori print
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The command "shiori print" does not have a universally recognized meaning in the context of computing or programming. It is likely a specific command related to a particular software or application named "shiori."

Without additional information about the software or application, it is difficult to provide a precise explanation of the command. However, in general, the word "print" in computer-related contexts usually refers to displaying or outputting information on the screen or on a physical device such as a printer.

Therefore, it can be speculated that the "shiori print" command may be used to print or display some information, possibly related to the functionality or contents of the software. To obtain a clearer understanding, it would be helpful to determine the specific software or application being referenced.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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