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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool shiori. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Shiori is a command line tool used for bookmark management. It is designed to help users organize and retrieve their bookmarks efficiently. Shiori supports importing and exporting bookmarks from various formats such as HTML, JSON, and XBEL. It allows users to categorize bookmarks into folders, making it easy to navigate and find specific bookmarks quickly. With Shiori, users can also add tags to their bookmarks for better organization and quick searching. The tool provides a robust search functionality, enabling users to search for bookmarks using keywords, tags, or URLs. It supports incremental search, meaning users can find bookmarks in real-time as they type. Shiori offers a clean and intuitive command line interface with easy-to-use commands for bookmark management. The tool utilizes a local SQLite database to store all bookmark data, ensuring fast and reliable performance. Shiori is an open-source project written in Go, which means it is highly customizable and extensible to suit individual user needs.

List of commands for shiori:

  • shiori:tldr:6831c shiori: List the saved bookmarks.
    $ shiori print
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  • shiori:tldr:c743d shiori: Save the specified URL as bookmark.
    $ shiori add ${url}
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  • shiori:tldr:e8f1c shiori: Start the web interface for managing bookmarks at port 8181.
    $ shiori serve --port ${8181}
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  • shiori:tldr:e93d7 shiori: Open the saved bookmark in a browser.
    $ shiori open ${bookmark_id}
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  • shiori:tldr:f5b8b shiori: Import bookmarks from HTML Netscape bookmark format file.
    $ shiori import ${path-to-bookmarks-html}
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