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shiori: Open the saved bookmark in a browser.
$ shiori open ${bookmark_id}
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The command "shiori open ${bookmark_id}" seems to be related to utilizing a program or tool called "shiori" to open a specific bookmark identified by ${bookmark_id}.

Here is a possible breakdown of the command:

  • "shiori": It refers to the name of a program or tool, possibly a bookmarking application, that allows users to manage and access their bookmarks efficiently.

  • "open": It denotes the action being performed, indicating that you are requesting the program to open something.

  • ${bookmark_id}: This is a placeholder representing a specific bookmark identifier. It suggests that you need to replace ${bookmark_id} with the actual ID or name of the bookmark you want to open. By providing the correct bookmark identifier, the program will attempt to open/display the corresponding bookmarked webpage or resource.

Overall, this command instructs the "shiori" software or tool to open a specific bookmark defined by ${bookmark_id}. The bookmark should be identified and replaced with a valid bookmark's identifier for the command to work as intended.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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