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sips: Remove ColorSync ICC profile from an image.
$ sips --deleteProperty profile --deleteColorManagementProperties ${path-to-image_file-ext}
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The command you provided is using a tool called "sips" to manipulate an image file. Let's break down the command and explain each part:

  • "sips": It is the name of a command-line tool in macOS (formerly known as Scriptable Image Processing System). It allows you to manipulate and inspect image files from the command line.

  • "--deleteProperty profile": This option is telling "sips" to remove the image's color profile or any associated profile information.

  • "--deleteColorManagementProperties": This option instructs "sips" to delete all the color management properties and settings from the image file.

  • "${path-to-image_file-ext}": This placeholder represents the path to the actual image file you want to edit. You need to replace it with the specific path to the image file you want to modify, including the file extension (e.g., /path/to/image.jpg).

By executing this command in the terminal, "sips" will delete the color profile and any color management properties from the specified image file. This could potentially affect how the image is displayed or processed in different applications.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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