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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool sips. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


The sips command line tool is a utility available in macOS that stands for "scriptable image processing system." It allows users to perform various image manipulation tasks directly from the command line. The tool supports a wide range of image file formats, including JPEG, PNG, TIFF, GIF, and more.

With sips, users can resize, rotate, and crop images, as well as adjust color profiles and image metadata. It supports basic image editing features like flipping and mirroring, and can also convert images between different formats. Additionally, sips provides options for adding watermarks, applying filters, and even extracting specific image components.

One notable advantage of sips is its scriptability, which allows users to automate image processing tasks by writing shell scripts or incorporating it into other workflows. It offers flexible options for modifying images, making it a valuable tool for batch processing large collections of images. However, sips is a command line tool and may require some familiarity with the terminal to use effectively.

List of commands for sips:

  • sips:tldr:164e7 sips: Resample image so height and width aren't greater than specified size (notice the capital Z).
    $ sips --resampleHeightWidthMax ${1920} ${300} ${image_file-ext}
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  • sips:tldr:25322 sips: Resample image at specified size, Image aspect ratio may be altered.
    $ sips --resampleHeightWidth ${1920} ${300} ${image_file-ext}
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  • sips:tldr:61001 sips: Resample all images in a directory to fit a width of 960px (honoring aspect ratio).
    $ sips --resampleWidth ${960} ${path-to-images}
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  • sips:tldr:83d1f sips: Remove ColorSync ICC profile from an image.
    $ sips --deleteProperty profile --deleteColorManagementProperties ${path-to-image_file-ext}
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  • sips:tldr:fdcd2 sips: Convert an image from CMYK to RGB.
    $ sips --matchTo "/System/Library/ColorSync/Profiles/Generic RGB Profile.icc" ${path-to-image-ext} ${path-to-out_dir}
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