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skopeo: Log in to a registry.
$ skopeo login --username ${username} ${registry_hostname}
try on your machine

The command skopeo login --username ${username} ${registry_hostname} is used to log in to a container image registry using the Skopeo tool.

Skopeo is a command-line utility used to work with container images. It allows you to inspect, retrieve, and manipulate container images and repositories.

To log in to a container image registry, you need to provide the specified command with the following arguments:

  • --username: This is where you should replace ${username} with your actual username or login ID for the registry. It identifies you as an authorized user.
  • ${registry_hostname}: This should be replaced with the hostname or URL of the container image registry you want to log in to. For example, if you want to log in to the Docker Hub, you would replace ${registry_hostname} with

By running this command, Skopeo will attempt to authenticate and log in to the specified registry using the provided username and registry hostname.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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