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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool skopeo. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Skopeo is a command line tool used for working with container images. It allows users to inspect, copy, and share container images across different container image repositories. This tool provides a seamless experience for managing container images without the need for a full container runtime environment. Skopeo supports various container image formats, including Docker, OCI, and Red Hat Quay formats. It can inspect an image to retrieve information like the image name, architecture, labels, and layers. Users can copy images from one repository to another, which is useful for distributing container images across different platforms. Skopeo also supports image signing and verification, ensuring the integrity and authenticity of the images. Furthermore, it allows users to transfer container images without having to fully extract them, reducing the dependency on a local container runtime. This tool can be easily integrated into continuous integration/continuous deployment (CI/CD) pipelines to automate various image-related tasks. Skopeo is open-source, actively maintained, and widely used within the container ecosystem.

List of commands for skopeo:

  • skopeo:tldr:2668b skopeo: Log in to a registry.
    $ skopeo login --username ${username} ${registry_hostname}
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  • skopeo:tldr:3485b skopeo: Copy an image from one registry to another.
    $ skopeo copy docker://${source_registry}/${image:tag} docker://${destination_registry}/${image:tag}
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  • skopeo:tldr:48a17 skopeo: List available tags for a remote image.
    $ skopeo list-tags docker://${registry_hostname}/${image}
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  • skopeo:tldr:6d0fc skopeo: Download an image from a registry.
    $ skopeo copy docker://${registry_hostname}/${image:tag} dir:${path-to-directory}
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  • skopeo:tldr:71d4c skopeo: Inspect a remote image from a registry.
    $ skopeo inspect docker://${registry_hostname}/${image:tag}
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  • skopeo:tldr:bdaa2 skopeo: Delete an image from a registry.
    $ skopeo delete docker://${registry_hostname}/${image:tag}
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tool overview