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skopeo: List available tags for a remote image.
$ skopeo list-tags docker://${registry_hostname}/${image}
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The command skopeo list-tags docker://${registry_hostname}/${image} is used to list all available tags for a Docker image stored in a specific container registry.

Let's break down the command:

  • skopeo is a command-line tool used for working with container images, including pulling, pushing, inspecting, and copying images.
  • list-tags is a subcommand of skopeo, used to retrieve a list of tags (versions) available for a specific image.
  • docker://${registry_hostname}/${image} is the source for the image you want to list the tags for. It follows the Docker registry syntax.
    • ${registry_hostname} represents the hostname or IP address of the container registry you want to access.
    • ${image} is the name of the Docker image. It should include the repository and the image name, such as myrepo/myimage.

When you execute the command, Skopeo connects to the specified container registry, retrieves the information related to the specified image, and then lists all the available tags or versions associated with that image.

For example, if you run skopeo list-tags docker://myregistry/myimage, it will list all the available tags (versions) of the myimage Docker image stored in the myregistry container registry.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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