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skopeo: Inspect a remote image from a registry.
$ skopeo inspect docker://${registry_hostname}/${image:tag}
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The command skopeo inspect docker://${registry_hostname}/${image:tag} is used to fetch information about a Docker image stored in a Docker registry.

  • skopeo: It is a command-line tool that provides various operations related to image handling in Docker.
  • inspect: This is the command within skopeo to retrieve detailed information about a Docker image.
  • docker://${registry_hostname}/${image:tag}: This is the URL of the Docker image to inspect. It consists of the registry hostname, image name, and optional tag.

Let's break down the URL components:

  1. docker:// prefix: Denotes that the URL represents a Docker image.
  2. ${registry_hostname}: This should be replaced with the hostname of the Docker registry from where the image is stored. For example, is the default public registry.
  3. ${image:tag}: This represents the image name and tag. Replace ${image} with the name of the specific image you want to inspect, and ${tag} with the desired image tag. The tag is optional and refers to a specific version or variation of the image. If not provided, it defaults to latest.

By running this command, Skopeo will connect to the specified Docker registry, retrieve the image manifest, and display detailed information about the image, such as layers, size, architecture, labels, and more.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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