This command is using variable substitutions and a pipe operator to send the output of a command to the "slackcat" program, which in turn posts the output to a specific channel in Slack.
Here's a breakdown of the command:
${command}: This is a placeholder for the actual command you want to execute and send its output to Slack. You would replace ${command} with the desired command.
| (pipe operator): The pipe operator is used to redirect the output of the preceding command (in this case, ${command}) to the input of the following command.
slackcat: This is the name of the program being invoked. It is a command-line tool used to post messages, files, and command outputs to Slack channels.
--channel ${channel_name}: This option specifies the Slack channel where the output should be posted. ${channel_name} is a placeholder for the actual name of the channel you want to use.
--stream: This option instructs slackcat to send the output as a continuous stream instead of a single message. It can be useful for commands that produce continuous or dynamic output.
So, overall, this command takes the output of ${command}, pipes it to slackcat, which then posts the output to a specific Slack channel specified by ${channel_name} as a continuous stream.