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sleep: Execute a specific command after 20 seconds delay.
$ sleep 20 && ${command}
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This command consists of two parts connected with the '&&' operator in the middle.

  1. 'sleep 20': This is the initial part of the command that issues the 'sleep' command followed by the argument '20'. The 'sleep' command is used to pause the execution of the script or command for a specified amount of time. In this case, it pauses the execution for 20 seconds.

  2. '&& ${command}': The '&&' operator is a logical operator used for executing a command only if the previous command succeeds. So, if the 'sleep 20' command successfully completes (i.e., waits for 20 seconds), the second part of the command will be executed. '${command}' is a placeholder for any command you want to execute after the pause. You need to replace '${command}' with the actual command you want to run.

In summary, this command will pause for 20 seconds before executing the command specified by '${command}'.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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