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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool sleep. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


The sleep command is a command line tool used in various operating systems, including Unix and Unix-like systems. Its primary purpose is to suspend the execution of a script or a shell session for a specific amount of time.

The sleep command accepts an argument in seconds, minutes, or hours, specifying the length of time the script or shell session should be suspended. For example, sleep 5 suspends the execution for 5 seconds.

This command is useful in scripting and automation tasks where you need to introduce delays between commands or perform scheduled tasks. It allows you to control the timing and sequence of operations.

Sleep is often used to simulate real-world scenarios, such as waiting for an external event or allowing time for system resources to become available.

The sleep command can also be utilized in combination with other commands to create more complex scripts. For instance, you can use it in loops or conditional statements to repeat or pause execution based on certain conditions.

Sleep can be interrupted by a signal, allowing you to terminate the delay prematurely if needed.

In some implementations, the sleep command can accept fractions of seconds as arguments for more precise timing.

It is a straightforward and commonly available command, usually found on Unix-based systems by default.

Since sleep only affects the specific script or shell session it is executed in, it does not impact the overall performance or functioning of the operating system.

Overall, the sleep command is a valuable tool for managing timing and delays within command line operations and scripting tasks.

List of commands for sleep:

  • sleep:tldr:52ae9 sleep: Execute a specific command after 20 [m]inutes delay.
    $ sleep 20m && ${command}
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • sleep:tldr:64030 sleep: Execute a specific command after 20 seconds delay.
    $ sleep 20 && ${command}
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • sleep:tldr:be75f sleep: Delay in [m]inutes. (Other units [d]ay, [h]our, [s]econd, [inf]inity can also be used).
    $ sleep ${minutes}m
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • sleep:tldr:f4199 sleep: Delay in seconds.
    $ sleep ${seconds}
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • sleep:tldr:f9b02 sleep: Delay for 1 [d]ay 3 [h]ours.
    $ sleep 1d 3h
    try on your machine
    explain this command
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