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List of commands for smbclient:

  • smbclient:ai:b1aaf List Samba shares on a remote PC
    $ smbclient -L ${remote_pc}
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  • smbclient:tldr:2a95d smbclient: Connect with a different username.
    $ smbclient ${--server-share} --user ${username}
    try on your machine
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  • smbclient:tldr:6664d smbclient: Connect with a different workgroup.
    $ smbclient ${--server-share} --workgroup ${domain} --user ${username}
    try on your machine
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  • smbclient:tldr:b1f3a smbclient: Upload a file to the server.
    $ smbclient ${--server-share} --directory ${path-to-directory} --command "put ${file-txt}"
    try on your machine
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  • smbclient:tldr:bca94 smbclient: Download a file from the server.
    $ smbclient ${--server-share} --directory ${path-to-directory} --command "get ${file-txt}"
    try on your machine
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  • smbclient:tldr:dd0b1 smbclient: List the shares from a server anonymously.
    $ smbclient --list=${server} --no-pass
    try on your machine
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  • smbclient:tldr:f4fbe smbclient: Connect to a share (user will be prompted for password; `exit` to quit the session).
    $ smbclient ${--server-share}
    try on your machine
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