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List of commands for smbmap:

  • smbmap:tldr:0b811 smbmap: Display SMB shares and permissions on a host, prompting for user's password or NTLM hash.
    $ smbmap -u ${username} --prompt -H ${ip}
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  • smbmap:tldr:12801 smbmap: Display SMB shares and permissions on a host, specifying the domain and passing the password NTLM hash.
    $ smbmap -u ${username} --prompt -d ${domain} -H ${ip}
    try on your machine
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  • smbmap:tldr:1799e smbmap: Locate and download files [R]ecursively up to N levels depth, searching for filename pattern (regex), and excluding certain shares.
    $ smbmap --host-file ${filename} -u ${username} -p ${password} -q -R --depth ${number} --exclude ${sharename} -A ${filepattern}
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  • smbmap:tldr:1b348 smbmap: Display SMB shares and list a single level of directories and files.
    $ smbmap -u ${username} --prompt -H ${ip} -r
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  • smbmap:tldr:1d7c5 smbmap: Display SMB shares and recursively list directories and files, searching for file content matching a regular expression.
    $ smbmap -u ${username} --prompt -H ${ip} -R -F ${pattern}
    try on your machine
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  • smbmap:tldr:2492e smbmap: Enumerate hosts and check SMB file permissions.
    $ smbmap --host-file ${filename} -u ${username} -p ${password} -q
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  • smbmap:tldr:3d6e5 smbmap: Display SMB shares and recursively list a defined number of levels of directories and files.
    $ smbmap -u ${username} --prompt -H ${ip} -R --depth ${3}
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  • smbmap:tldr:4de97 smbmap: Display SMB shares and recursively list directories and files, downloading the files matching a regular expression.
    $ smbmap -u ${username} --prompt -H ${ip} -R -A ${pattern}
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  • smbmap:tldr:78403 smbmap: Upload a file to a remote system.
    $ smbmap -u ${username} --prompt -H ${ip} --upload ${source} ${destination}
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  • smbmap:tldr:7c097 smbmap: Upload file through smb using username and password.
    $ smbmap -u ${username} -p ${password} -d ${domain} -H ${ip_or_hostname} --upload ${filename} '${-share_name-remote_filename}'
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  • smbmap:tldr:94259 smbmap: Connect to an ip or hostname through smb using a username and password.
    $ smbmap -u ${username} -p ${password} -d ${domain} -H ${ip_or_hostname}
    try on your machine
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  • smbmap:tldr:b1322 smbmap: Enumerate hosts with NULL sessions enabled and open shares.
    $ smbmap --host-file ${filename}
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  • smbmap:tldr:f3f28 smbmap: Execute a shell command on a remote system.
    $ smbmap -u ${username} --prompt -H ${ip} -x ${command}
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