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sn: Generate a new StrongNaming key.
$ sn -k ${path-to-key-snk}
try on your machine

The command "sn -k ${path-to-key-snk}" is typically used in the context of .NET Core development. Here's an explanation of the different components:

  • "sn" refers to the Strong Name tool (sn.exe), which is a cryptographic utility provided by Microsoft for signing assemblies with a strong name.
  • "-k" is a command-line option used to specify a key file.
  • "${path-to-key-snk}" is a placeholder representing the actual file path to a key file with a .snk extension.

When you run this command and replace "${path-to-key-snk}" with the path to your specific key file, the sn tool will use the provided key file to sign an assembly or generate a new key pair for signing. Strong naming an assembly provides a unique identity and ensures its integrity and authenticity when used in different scenarios, such as deployment, versioning, or referencing by other applications.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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