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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool sn. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


SN is a command line tool designed for the Unix/Linux environment. It stands for "serial number" and is typically used for printing sequential numbers to the standard output. It is commonly used in shell scripts and system administration tasks.

The primary purpose of SN is to generate a range of sequential numbers based on user-defined parameters. It allows you to define the starting number, ending number, and the increment value for the sequence.

SN provides various formatting options for the generated numbers, such as specifying the minimum width of each number, padding with zeros, and adding prefixes or suffixes to the numbers. This gives users flexibility in formatting the sequential numbers according to their specific requirements.

SN also has additional features, such as randomizing the sequence, shuffling the numbers, and sorting them in ascending or descending order. This can be useful in scenarios where you need to generate random or sorted sequences for testing, simulations, or data manipulation purposes.

The tool is lightweight and efficient, making it ideal for scripting and automation tasks that involve sequential numbering. It is often used in conjunction with other command line tools to build complex workflows.

SN is open source and has been around for many years, with a stable and reliable codebase. It is available for a wide range of Unix and Linux distributions, making it accessible to a large user base.

Documentation and usage examples for SN are readily available online, making it easy for users to get started and explore its capabilities. It also has a vibrant community of users who contribute to its development and provide support to fellow users.

Overall, SN is a powerful and versatile command line tool that simplifies and streamlines the generation of sequential numbers in Unix/Linux environments. It offers a range of formatting options, additional features like randomization and sorting, and is widely used in scripting and automation tasks.

List of commands for sn:

  • sn:tldr:103d2 sn: Extract the public key to a file.
    $ sn -e ${path-to-assembly-dll} ${path-to-output-pub}
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  • sn:tldr:946b6 sn: Generate a new StrongNaming key.
    $ sn -k ${path-to-key-snk}
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  • sn:tldr:973ea sn: Re-sign an assembly with the specified private key.
    $ sn -R ${path-to-assembly-dll} ${path-to-key_pair-snk}
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  • sn:tldr:be3f7 sn: Show the public key of the private key that was used to sign an assembly.
    $ sn -T ${path-to-assembly-exe}
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tool overview