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soupault: Initialize a minimal website project in the current working directory.
$ soupault --init
try on your machine

The command soupault --init initializes a new Soupault project or sets up a configuration file for an existing project.

Soupault is a static site generator and web scraper designed for building and maintaining static websites. It allows users to generate web pages automatically based on HTML templates, apply transformations to the HTML structure, and scrape websites to update or patch content. By using soupault --init, you can set up a directory structure and configuration file for your Soupault project.

When you run soupault --init, it performs the following steps:

  1. Creates a new directory or uses the existing one as the root directory of your project.
  2. Sets up a configuration file named soupault.conf in the project directory. This file allows you to configure various aspects of your Soupault project, such as input/output directories, template settings, crawler options, etc.
  3. Initializes any necessary subdirectories, such as input and output, which will hold the input files and generated output files, respectively.

After running soupault --init, you can start customizing your project by modifying the soupault.conf file and creating your input files (HTML, templates, etc.) in the appropriate directories. Then, when you run Soupault commands such as soupault --build, it will use the configuration and input files to generate the output files based on your specifications.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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