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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool soupault. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Soupault is a command-line tool used for building static websites. It enables users to automate the process of generating HTML files from source files. The tool leverages OCaml's static type system to provide reliability and performance. Soupault allows for the creation of robust and scalable websites by supporting various technologies such as HTML and Markdown for content creation.

Using a configuration file, Soupault can define different sources and build rules, allowing users to customize the behavior of the tool according to their specific requirements. It supports features like page generation, automatic table of contents generation, template inheritance, and customizable theming. The tool also provides a built-in development server for previewing changes during development.

Soupault's powerful template system allows users to create reusable HTML components and layouts, enhancing code maintainability and modularity. Additionally, it supports various pre-processing languages like LESS, SASS, and Stylus to provide flexibility in styling. It has a built-in caching mechanism that helps improve build performance, ensuring efficient regeneration of only the necessary files upon changes.

Soupault is distributed under an open-source license, allowing users to contribute to its development and take advantage of its extensibility. With its ease of use, flexibility, and performance-driven approach, Soupault serves as a valuable tool for static website development.

List of commands for soupault:

  • soupault:tldr:1d157 soupault: Override default config file and directory locations.
    $ soupault --config ${config_path} --site-dir ${input_dir} --build-dir ${output_dir}
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  • soupault:tldr:73ef1 soupault: Initialize a minimal website project in the current working directory.
    $ soupault --init
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  • soupault:tldr:73f62 soupault: Extract metadata into a JSON file without generating pages.
    $ soupault --index-only --dump-index-json ${filename-json}
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  • soupault:tldr:9726a soupault: Show the effective config (values from `soupault.toml` plus defaults).
    $ soupault --show-effective-config
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  • soupault:tldr:b8f61 soupault: Build a website.
    $ soupault
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tool overview