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soupault: Show the effective config (values from `soupault.toml` plus defaults).
$ soupault --show-effective-config
try on your machine

The command "soupault --show-effective-config" is used with the Soupault static site generator tool.

Soupault is a tool that helps in generating static websites by processing HTML files and applying transformations defined in a configuration file. These transformations can include things like injecting data, rearranging elements, applying styling, or even removing specific parts of the HTML.

The "soupault --show-effective-config" command is used to display the effective configuration that will be applied during the processing of the site. It shows the combined configuration from all the possible sources, including the default configuration provided by Soupault, any configuration files it finds in the project directory, and any configuration passed as arguments to the command.

This command helps you understand and verify what transformations and settings will be applied before generating the static site. It can be useful for debugging, checking if the desired configuration is implemented correctly, or understanding how the site will be transformed.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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