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soupault: Build a website.
$ soupault
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Soupault is a static site generator that takes source files written in HTML, Markdown, or other formats, and generates a static website from them. It can convert these files into static HTML pages, apply transformations and filters to the content, and handle tasks like linking pages, creating sitemaps, and managing assets.

The command "soupault" refers to the executable or script that runs the Soupault static site generator. When you run the "soupault" command in your terminal or command prompt, it initiates the site generation process based on the configuration and source files present in the project.

By default, Soupault looks for a configuration file named "soupault.conf" in the current directory, which contains settings and options for the site generation process. It may specify which pages to include, the site's layout, transformation rules, etc. You can also specify a different configuration file using the "--config" option followed by the file path.

Using the "soupault" command triggers Soupault to build the static site based on the specified configuration, applying necessary transformations and generating the final HTML files. The generated files are usually saved into a specified output directory or the default "output" directory.

Overall, the "soupault" command is the entry point for using the Soupault static site generator and serves as a means to build a static website from source files.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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