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spark: Register your API token.
$ spark register ${token}
try on your machine

The command "spark register ${token}" is likely used in a shell or command-line interface (CLI) to register and authenticate a user with the Spark platform.

Here's a breakdown of the command and its parts:

  1. "spark": This is the name of the application or program you are interacting with. It could be Spark's command-line tool or a script that uses Spark's API.

  2. "register": This is the specific action or command within the "spark" application that you want to execute. In this case, the command is used to register a user.

  3. "${token}": This is a placeholder or variable that represents a token value. It is enclosed within braces and preceded by the dollar sign "$" to indicate that it is a variable. The actual token value should be substituted in place of "${token}" when running the command.

The token is likely a form of authentication or authorization token that verifies the user's identity and permissions. By providing this token as an argument to the "spark register" command, the user can be registered and associated with the appropriate account or privileges within the Spark platform.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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