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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool spark. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Spark is a popular, open-source, and distributed computing system specifically designed for big data processing and analytics. It provides an efficient, fast, and fault-tolerant processing engine for large-scale data processing tasks.

Spark offers a wide range of high-level APIs that support various programming languages like Scala, Java, Python, and R, making it accessible to a large user base.

With its core abstraction, Resilient Distributed Datasets (RDD), Spark allows users to process data in parallel across a cluster, making it suitable for analyzing large datasets in a distributed manner.

Spark supports various data sources, including Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS), Apache Cassandra, Amazon S3, and many others, enabling seamless integration with existing data infrastructure.

It provides built-in modules for SQL, streaming, machine learning, and graph processing, making it a comprehensive tool for various data processing tasks.

Spark provides interactive shells for Scala and Python to interactively explore and manipulate data, simplifying the development and debugging process.

It supports real-time streaming data processing through its streaming module, enabling the detection and analysis of trends and patterns as data arrives.

Spark is known for its ability to perform in-memory computing, which significantly boosts its processing speed by caching data in memory instead of relying on disk access.

It also provides fault tolerance through lineage information, which enables it to recompute lost data partitions in case of failures, ensuring data integrity and reliability.

Spark seamlessly integrates with other big data frameworks like Hadoop, Hive, and HBase, extending its capabilities and making it a part of a larger ecosystem for big data processing.

List of commands for spark:

  • spark:tldr:314fe spark: Create a new Spark project with Braintree stubs.
    $ spark new ${project_name} --braintree
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • spark:tldr:4111b spark: Display the currently registered API token.
    $ spark token
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • spark:tldr:8f1f0 spark: Register your API token.
    $ spark register ${token}
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • spark:tldr:aa8cb spark: Create a new Spark project with team-based billing stubs.
    $ spark new ${project_name} --team-billing
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • spark:tldr:fbba2 spark: Create a new Spark project.
    $ spark new ${project_name}
    try on your machine
    explain this command
tool overview