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sqsc: Query a queue with SQL syntax.
$ sqsc query "SELECT body FROM ${queue_name} WHERE body LIKE '%user%'"
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This command is used to query a message queue system, specifically the AWS Simple Queue Service (SQS). Here's a breakdown of the command:

  • sqsc is likely a command-line tool or a utility that allows you to interact with the SQS service.
  • query indicates that you want to perform a query on the SQS queue.
  • "SELECT body FROM ${queue_name} WHERE body LIKE '%user%'" is the SQL-like query string specifying the criteria for the search.

Explanation of the query string:

  • SELECT body FROM ${queue_name}: This part specifies that you want to retrieve the message bodies (body) from the specified queue, where ${queue_name} is a placeholder representing the name of the queue you want to query.
  • WHERE body LIKE '%user%': This part defines the condition or filter for the query. It states that you only want to retrieve messages whose body field contains the substring "user". The % sign is a wildcard character, allowing any characters (or none) before or after the "user" keyword.

Overall, this command fetches the message bodies from the specified queue where the body field contains the string "user" as a substring.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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