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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool sqsc. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


SQSC (Simple Queue Service CLI) is a command line tool that enables users to interact with the Simple Queue Service (SQS) provided by Amazon Web Services (AWS). It allows for easy management of Amazon SQS resources directly from the command line interface.

The tool provides various functionalities such as creating, deleting, and listing queues, sending and receiving messages, as well as managing message visibility and retention periods. It offers a convenient way to automate and script interactions with SQS, making it ideal for tasks that require regular queue management.

SQSC supports multiple authentication methods, including access and secret keys, environment variables, and AWS profiles. This ensures secure access to the SQS service, allowing users to control and manage their queues effectively.

With SQSC, users can easily send and receive messages to their queues using simple commands, making it useful for building scalable, distributed systems and event-driven architectures. It also offers options to set message attributes, specify message delay times, and handle messages in batches.

In addition to basic operations, SQSC provides advanced features like long polling, dead-letter queues, and message deduplication. These features enhance the reliability and efficiency of message processing, ensuring that no messages are missed or duplicated.

The tool is highly configurable, allowing users to customize various settings such as output formatting, verbosity level, and AWS region. It also provides detailed error messages and logging capabilities to assist in troubleshooting and debugging.

Furthermore, SQSC is open source and actively maintained, which means it benefits from community-driven improvements and bug fixes. It is written in Python and can be installed globally or run as a standalone package, making it easily accessible and compatible with various operating systems.

Overall, SQSC is a powerful and user-friendly command line tool that simplifies the management and interaction with Amazon SQS, empowering users to build robust and reliable messaging systems.

List of commands for sqsc:

  • sqsc:tldr:06f4b sqsc: Move all messages from one queue to another.
    $ sqsc mv ${source_queue} ${destination_queue}
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  • sqsc:tldr:69236 sqsc: List all messages in a queue.
    $ sqsc ls ${queue_name}
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  • sqsc:tldr:80adc sqsc: Describe a queue.
    $ sqsc describe ${queue_name}
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  • sqsc:tldr:8565e sqsc: Query a queue with SQL syntax.
    $ sqsc query "SELECT body FROM ${queue_name} WHERE body LIKE '%user%'"
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  • sqsc:tldr:d9003 sqsc: Pull all messages from a queue into a local SQLite database in your present working directory.
    $ sqsc pull ${queue_name}
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  • sqsc:tldr:e16bd sqsc: Copy all messages from one queue to another.
    $ sqsc cp ${source_queue} ${destination_queue}
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tool overview