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List of commands for srm:

  • srm:ai:9d766 To display a progress bar while using srm, add the -v flag to the command
    $ srm -v filename
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  • srm:tldr:0bb1d srm: Remove a file after a single-pass overwriting with random data.
    $ srm -s ${filename}
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  • srm:tldr:301bb srm: Remove a file after seven passes of overwriting with random data.
    $ srm -m ${filename}
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  • srm:tldr:3822b srm: Prompt before every removal.
    $ srm -i ${\*}
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  • srm:tldr:4eb52 srm: Recursively remove a directory and its contents overwriting each file with a single-pass of random data.
    $ srm -r -s ${path-to-directory}
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