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srun: Connect to a worker node with a job running.
$ srun --jobid=${job_id} --pty /bin/bash
try on your machine

The command srun --jobid=${job_id} --pty /bin/bash is used to execute a job within a cluster computing environment using the srun command.

Here's a breakdown of the command:

  • srun: It is a command used to launch and manage parallel jobs on a computing cluster.

  • --jobid=${job_id}: This option specifies the job ID of the job that needs to be executed. ${job_id} is a variable that holds the actual job ID value. The job ID is typically obtained from a previously submitted job.

  • --pty: This option requests a pseudo-terminal to be allocated for the job. A pseudo-terminal is a terminal emulation that allows interactive sessions. It is required to execute commands that require user interaction or console-based applications.

  • /bin/bash: It specifies the path to the Bash shell executable. The Bash shell is a widely used command-line interpreter and scripting language in Unix-like operating systems.

Overall, this command is used to execute a job with a given job ID using the srun command, and it provides a pseudo-terminal (/bin/bash) to interact with the job.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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