srun is a command line tool that is commonly used in high-performance computing environments. It is primarily designed to launch and manage parallel jobs on distributed computing clusters.
This tool allows users to specify various options and parameters to control the behavior of their parallel jobs. Users can specify the number of processors, memory requirements, time limits, and other resource constraints using command line arguments while launching their jobs with srun.
srun also supports job submission and dependencies, allowing users to submit multiple jobs and define prerequisites between them. This feature ensures that jobs are executed in the desired order, enabling efficient resource utilization.
Additionally, srun provides seamless integration with job scheduling systems like SLURM (Simple Linux Utility for Resource Management). It allows users to submit and manage jobs within the SLURM environment, ensuring efficient allocation and management of resources in a cluster.
The output of srun includes information such as job status, resource allocation, and job-specific output generated during execution. This helps users to monitor and troubleshoot their parallel jobs effectively.
Overall, srun is a powerful and versatile command line tool that simplifies the launch and management of parallel jobs on distributed computing clusters, ensuring efficient resource utilization and job execution.
List of commands for srun:
srun:tldr:29f49 srun: Connect to a worker node with a job running.$ srun --jobid=${job_id} --pty /bin/bashtry on your machineexplain this command
srun:tldr:ae7a9 srun: Submit an interactive job with different attributes.$ srun --ntasks-per-node=${num_cores} --mem-per-cpu=${memory_MB} --pty /bin/bashtry on your machineexplain this command
srun:tldr:dadf0 srun: Submit a basic interactive job.$ srun --pty /bin/bashtry on your machineexplain this command