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srun: Submit an interactive job with different attributes.
$ srun --ntasks-per-node=${num_cores} --mem-per-cpu=${memory_MB} --pty /bin/bash
try on your machine

The command srun is used to submit and execute parallel jobs on a High-Performance Computing (HPC) cluster or a similar environment. Let's break down the provided command:

srun: This is the command itself, used to submit and execute a parallel job.

--ntasks-per-node=${num_cores}: This option specifies the number of tasks (or processes) to be allocated per computing node. The ${num_cores} is a placeholder where a specific value can be assigned. It determines the number of CPU cores that will be allocated to each task.

--mem-per-cpu=${memory_MB}: This option specifies the amount of memory to be allocated per CPU core. The ${memory_MB} is a placeholder where a specific value can be assigned. It determines the memory limit for each task.

--pty: This option requests a pseudo-terminal (pty) to be allocated for the created task or job. A pty enables the execution of interactive commands within a shell session.

/bin/bash: This is the command or executable that will be executed within the allocated resources. In this case, it launches a Bash shell session for interactive command execution.

Overall, the given srun command is used to submit a job that runs an interactive Bash shell session with a specified number of tasks, with a specific number of CPU cores and memory allocated per task. The values for ${num_cores} and ${memory_MB} are typically provided by the user when running this command.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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