List of commands for steghide:
steghide:tldr:4fdc7 steghide: Extract data from a WAV audio file.$ steghide extract --stegofile ${path-to-sound-wav}try on your machineexplain this command
steghide:tldr:7e1a9 steghide: Display file information, trying to detect an embedded file.$ steghide info ${filename-jpg}try on your machineexplain this command
steghide:tldr:90421 steghide: Embed data in a PNG, prompting for a passphrase.$ steghide embed --coverfile ${path-to-image-png} --embedfile ${path-to-data-txt}try on your machineexplain this command
steghide:tldr:9caf2 steghide: Embed data in a JPEG image, using maximum compression.$ steghide embed --coverfile ${path-to-image-jpg} --embedfile ${path-to-data-txt} --compress ${9}try on your machineexplain this command
steghide:tldr:bb370 steghide: Embed encrypted data in a JPEG image, e.g. with Blowfish in CBC mode.$ steghide embed --coverfile ${path-to-image-jpg} --embedfile ${path-to-data-txt} --encryption ${select} ${select1}try on your machineexplain this command
steghide:tldr:daea8 steghide: Get the list of supported encryption algorithms and modes.$ steghide encinfotry on your machineexplain this command