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stegsnow: Determine approximate [S]torage capacity with line [l]ength less than 72 for file.
$ stegsnow -S -l 72 ${filename-txt}
try on your machine

The command "stegsnow -S -l 72 ${filename-txt}" is used to execute the stegsnow tool with specific options and arguments. Let's break it down:

  • "stegsnow" is the name of the executable program or command. It is a steganography tool used to hide or reveal messages inside ASCII text files.
  • "-S" is an option/flag that sets the mode of operation to "stego" (for hiding messages in files).
  • "-l 72" is another option that specifies the maximum length of the hidden message. In this case, the maximum length is set to 72 characters.
  • "${filename-txt}" is a variable/placeholder that is supposed to be replaced with the actual name of a text file. The file should have a ".txt" extension. The command will then use this file as the carrier to hide or extract a message.

In summary, this command runs the stegsnow tool in stego mode with a maximum message length of 72 characters, using the specified text file as the carrier for hiding or extracting a message.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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