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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool stegsnow. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Stegsnow is a command line tool used for steganography, which is a technique used to hide secret information within a file. The tool is designed to hide messages within ASCII text files, such as documents or source code files. It works by subtly manipulating the whitespace within the text to embed the secret message.

To use stegsnow, you provide it with an input text file containing the hidden message and an output text file where the extracted message will be saved. The tool will analyze the input file, looking for hidden information, and extract it to be saved in the output file. It supports various encoding techniques to prevent detection.

Stegsnow employs a simple yet effective algorithm to embed and extract messages, making it relatively easy to use. However, because it only supports ASCII text files, it may not be suitable for all types of data. Furthermore, as it operates on the command line, it requires some familiarity with command line tools.

Overall, stegsnow provides a convenient way to embed and extract hidden messages within ASCII text files, making it an interesting tool for steganography enthusiasts or those concerned with secure communication.

List of commands for stegsnow:

  • stegsnow:tldr:5ea8a stegsnow: Determine approximate [S]torage capacity with line [l]ength less than 72 for file.
    $ stegsnow -S -l 72 ${filename-txt}
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  • stegsnow:tldr:8e923 stegsnow: Conceal [m]essage in text from file and save to result.
    $ stegsnow -m '${message}' ${filename-txt} ${path-to-result-txt}
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  • stegsnow:tldr:91dd5 stegsnow: Extract [m]essage from file.
    $ stegsnow ${filename-txt}
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  • stegsnow:tldr:a9edd stegsnow: Conceal message [f]ile content [C]ompressed in text from file and save to result.
    $ stegsnow -C -f '${path-to-message-txt}' ${filename-txt} ${path-to-result-txt}
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  • stegsnow:tldr:ab47b stegsnow: Conceal [m]essage [C]ompressed and [p]assword protected in text from file and save to result.
    $ stegsnow -C -p ${password} -m '${message}' ${filename-txt} ${path-to-result-txt}
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  • stegsnow:tldr:ac2c8 stegsnow: Extract [C]ompressed and [p]assword protected [m]essage from file.
    $ stegsnow -C -p ${password} ${filename-txt}
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tool overview