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stegsnow: Conceal [m]essage in text from file and save to result.
$ stegsnow -m '${message}' ${filename-txt} ${path-to-result-txt}
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The command "stegsnow -m '${message}' ${filename-txt} ${path-to-result-txt}" is used to embed a secret message into an image or audio file using a technique called steganography.

Let's break down the command:

  • "stegsnow" is a command-line tool used for steganography. It allows hiding text-based messages within files without noticeable changes. It supports various file formats, including images and audio files.

  • "-m '${message}'" specifies the message to be hidden. The message should be enclosed in single quotes (' ') to ensure that the entire message is treated as a single argument. The ${message} placeholder represents the actual text of the secret message you want to embed.

  • ${filename-txt} refers to the name of the target file where the message will be hidden. The extension .txt suggests that it is a text file, but it can also be an image or audio file. Replace ${filename-txt} with the actual name of the file you want to use as a carrier.

  • ${path-to-result-txt} represents the location and name of the output file where the result, with the hidden message, will be stored. Replace ${path-to-result-txt} with the desired path and name of the output file.

In summary, this command embeds the secret message into the specified file and saves the modified file to the provided output location. The stegsnow tool is responsible for the steganographic process.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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