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stegsnow: Conceal [m]essage [C]ompressed and [p]assword protected in text from file and save to result.
$ stegsnow -C -p ${password} -m '${message}' ${filename-txt} ${path-to-result-txt}
try on your machine

The command you provided is using the "stegsnow" tool, which is used for hiding messages within files through steganography. Here's a breakdown of the different parts of the command:

  • "stegsnow": This is the name of the tool or command being executed.
  • "-C": This option tells stegsnow to encrypt the hidden message. The message will be encrypted using a password specified with the "-p" option.
  • "-p ${password}": This option defines the password used for encryption. The ${password} placeholder should be replaced with the actual password you want to use.
  • "-m '${message}'": This option sets the message or data that you want to hide in the file. The '${message}' placeholder should be replaced with the actual message you want to hide.
  • "${filename-txt}": This is the name of the file that you want to hide the message in. The ${filename-txt} placeholder should be replaced with the actual filename, including its extension (e.g., file.txt).
  • "${path-to-result-txt}": This is the path to the resulting output file that will contain the hidden message. The ${path-to-result-txt} placeholder should be replaced with the actual path and filename of the result file (e.g., /path/to/result.txt).

To use this command, you need to replace the placeholders (${password}, '${message}', ${filename-txt}, ${path-to-result-txt}) with the appropriate values specific to your use case.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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