stl2gts: Convert an STL file to a GTS file and display surface statistics.
$ stl2gts --verbose < ${filename-stl} > ${filename-gts}
try on your machine
The command "stl2gts" is being executed with the options "--verbose".
Here's how the command works:
- "${filename-stl}" represents the value of the variable "filename-stl". It is being used as an input file for the command.
- The "<" symbol redirects the contents of the file specified by "${filename-stl}" to the standard input of the command "stl2gts".
- "${filename-gts}" represents the value of the variable "filename-gts". It is being used as the output file for the command.
- The ">" symbol redirects the output of the command "stl2gts" to the file specified by "${filename-gts}".
In summary, this command takes an STL file (${filename-stl}), converts it using "stl2gts" utility, and then saves the converted output to a GTS file (${filename-gts}). The "--verbose" option is used to display detailed information about the process while it is being executed.
This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and
never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.