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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool stl2gts. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


STL2GTS is a command line tool used for converting 3D models in STL format to the GTS (GNU Triangulated Surface) format.

The STL format, short for Standard Triangle Language, represents 3D models in a mesh of triangles and is commonly used in computer-aided design (CAD) and 3D printing. On the other hand, the GTS format is a library for 3D surface and solid model representation that provides various operations for manipulating and analyzing such models.

The STL2GTS tool is a part of the GTS library and provides a simple and straightforward way of converting STL files to GTS format. It allows users to convert single or multiple STL files at once, making it efficient for batch processing.

The tool ensures that the conversion process maintains the integrity and accuracy of the original STL model. It performs necessary triangulation and optimization of the resulting GTS model to ensure consistency and correctness.

STL2GTS supports various command line arguments to specify input and output file names, control verbosity of output messages, and adjust the level of grid refinement during the conversion process.

Additionally, it offers options to invert or scale the model during conversion, allowing users to manipulate the resulting GTS model according to their requirements.

The tool is cross-platform and can be used on different operating systems, including Linux, Windows, and macOS.

STL2GTS is an open-source tool, released under the GNU General Public License, making it freely available for anyone to use and modify.

The GTS library and the accompanying STL2GTS tool have been widely used in various applications and research areas, including computer graphics, scientific simulations, and computational geometry.

List of commands for stl2gts:

  • stl2gts:tldr:28e30 stl2gts: Convert an STL file to a GTS file and do not merge vertices.
    $ stl2gts --nomerge < ${filename-stl} > ${filename-gts}
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  • stl2gts:tldr:341d7 stl2gts: Print help for `stl2gts`.
    $ stl2gts --help
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  • stl2gts:tldr:73301 stl2gts: Convert an STL file to a GTS file.
    $ stl2gts < ${filename-stl} > ${filename-gts}
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  • stl2gts:tldr:dd5b2 stl2gts: Convert an STL file to a GTS file and display surface statistics.
    $ stl2gts --verbose < ${filename-stl} > ${filename-gts}
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  • stl2gts:tldr:e9bc0 stl2gts: Convert an STL file to a GTS file and revert face normals.
    $ stl2gts --revert < ${filename-stl} > ${filename-gts}
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tool overview