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strings: Prefix each result with its offset within the file.
$ strings -t d ${filename}
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The command "strings -t d ${filename}" is used to extract readable text strings from a binary file. Here's an explanation of the different parts of the command:

  • "strings": This is the actual command that is executed. It is a utility in Unix-like operating systems that is used to find and extract text strings embedded in binary files.

  • "-t": This option is used to specify the output format for the extracted strings. In this case, "d" stands for "decimal" and it outputs the offset of each string from the start of the file in decimal format.

  • "${filename}": This is a placeholder for the name of the file you want to extract strings from. It is typically replaced with the actual filename or the path to the file.

So, when you execute the command "strings -t d ${filename}", it will read the specified file and extract any readable text strings from it, printing the offset of each string in decimal format.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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