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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool strings. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


The "strings" command line tool is a built-in utility in most Unix-like operating systems. It is used to extract printable strings from an executable or binary file. It works by scanning the file byte by byte and printing any sequence of readable characters that is at least four characters long.

The main purpose of the "strings" tool is to aid in program debugging and analysis. It can provide valuable information about the nature of a binary file, such as the embedded text data or human-readable strings used within the program. This can help in reverse engineering, malware analysis, and vulnerability assessment.

The "strings" tool has various options that allow users to customize its functionality. For example, the "-n" option specifies the minimum string length to display, while the "-e" option sets the character encoding format to use.

By default, the "strings" command only searches for ASCII strings, but it can be used with different character encodings, such as Unicode or UTF-8, using the appropriate options.

The output of the "strings" command can often reveal interesting information, such as hardcoded passwords, configuration details, or debug messages, which can be highly valuable for security analysis.

The "strings" tool is helpful in forensic investigations as it can uncover user-visible text in memory dumps or disk images, potentially revealing important clues about an incident.

Though primarily used on executable files, the "strings" command can also be used with other types of files, including text files, libraries, and shared objects.

It is important to note that the "strings" tool may generate a large volume of output, so it is often helpful to pipe it through other tools (such as grep) to filter the results and focus on specific patterns or keywords.

The "strings" command can be a useful addition to a programmer's toolkit, offering a quick way to inspect compiled programs and analyze their inner workings.

Care should be taken when using the "strings" command on potentially malicious or unknown files, as it can inadvertently reveal sensitive information or trigger unintended behavior.

List of commands for strings:

  • strings:tldr:33239 strings: Prefix each result with its offset within the file in hexadecimal.
    $ strings -t x ${filename}
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • strings:tldr:3f367 strings: Limit results to strings at least *length* characters long.
    $ strings -n ${length} ${filename}
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • strings:tldr:5d509 strings: Prefix each result with its offset within the file.
    $ strings -t d ${filename}
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • strings:tldr:ef9de strings: Print all strings in a binary.
    $ strings ${filename}
    try on your machine
    explain this command
tool overview