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stripe: Print to JSON.
$ stripe listen --print-json
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The command "stripe listen --print-json" is used in the Stripe payment processing platform. Here's its explanation:

  • "stripe listen" is a command that allows you to create a webhook endpoint for your Stripe account. Webhooks send real-time events to your specified endpoint whenever certain actions occur, such as a customer making a payment or a subscription being created.
  • "--print-json" is an optional flag that you can include with the "stripe listen" command. When used, it instructs Stripe to print the webhook event data in JSON format on your command line or terminal.

So, this command sets up a webhook endpoint and tells Stripe to display event data in JSON format as soon as a webhook event is received. It can be helpful for monitoring and debugging webhook events in your application.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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