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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool stripe. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Stripe is a command-line interface (CLI) tool that helps developers interact with the Stripe API. It is designed to simplify the management of payments, subscriptions, and other Stripe-related tasks from the command line.

The tool allows developers to create and manage payment methods, customers, subscriptions, and plans through simple commands. It also enables them to retrieve information about charges, invoices, and refunds, and perform various operations on them.

Stripe CLI provides real-time logs and webhook event streaming to help developers monitor incoming events and integrate them into their applications. It allows users to listen to events without configuring a server, making it easier to test, debug, and troubleshoot integration issues.

The CLI also includes a built-in HTTP client that allows developers to make API requests directly from the command line, helping them quickly test and experiment with different API calls.

In addition to the command-line tool, Stripe CLI comes with a web-based dashboard that provides an interactive interface to manage subscriptions, customers, and other Stripe-related resources. This simplifies the management and configuration process, providing a more intuitive way to handle Stripe-related tasks.

Stripe CLI supports popular programming languages like Ruby, Python, JavaScript, and Java. It offers a range of features for developers to interact with the Stripe API efficiently, increasing productivity and easing the integration process into their applications.

List of commands for stripe:

  • stripe:tldr:1f6f4 stripe: Print to JSON.
    $ stripe listen --print-json
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  • stripe:tldr:2e73d stripe: Listen for events, filtering on events with the name `charge.succeeded` and forwarding them to localhost:3000/events.
    $ stripe listen --events="${charge-succeeded}" --forward-to="${localhost:3000-events}"
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  • stripe:tldr:67f17 stripe: Create a customer.
    $ stripe customers create --email="${test@example-com}" --name="${Jenny Rosen}"
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  • stripe:tldr:d7799 stripe: Send a test webhook event.
    $ stripe trigger ${charge-succeeded}
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  • stripe:tldr:ec092 stripe: Follow the logs of activity on the account.
    $ stripe logs tail
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tool overview