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stripe: Send a test webhook event.
$ stripe trigger ${charge-succeeded}
try on your machine

The command "stripe trigger ${charge-succeeded}" is written in a format that suggests it is used within a command-line interface (CLI) or a script. It appears to be invoking a "stripe" command with the "trigger" argument, followed by an event type "charge-succeeded".

Stripe is a widely used online payment service provider that allows businesses to accept and manage online payments. It provides an API and a CLI tool to interact with its services programmatically. The "stripe" command in this case is likely the CLI tool provided by Stripe.

The "trigger" command in the Stripe CLI is used to manually trigger specific events that occur within a Stripe account. These events can include successful charges, failed payments, subscriptions, invoices, etc. By running the "stripe trigger" command and specifying an event type (in this case, "charge-succeeded"), you are manually triggering and simulating a "charge-succeeded" event.

This command could be useful for testing purposes or when you need to simulate specific events for development, debugging, or integration testing with your Stripe integration or application.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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